Your Hub for Architectural Glass and Glazing Projects
Commercial and architectural glazing projects are often complex, requiring a close collaboration between stakeholders to make major projects a success.
At Quanex, we do everything we can to streamline that collaborative process. We work closely with architects, commercial insulating glass manufacturers and commercial glaziers to help imbue new commercial construction with top-performing fenestration projects. We have a deep portfolio of thermally efficient products that are suitable to the most demanding commercial applications, backed by a history of high performance and reliability. And we have commercial experts who are happy to help you specify Quanex products for your next project.
Support for Your Next Project
We’re committed to backing our high-performance commercial products with expert service and support. Whether you need help with insulating glass unit design, manufacturing strategies, quality control, testing, modeling or general troubleshooting, our Technical Services team is ready to help you overcome any challenge.

The Latest Case Studies
Multi-Family/Hospitality Northgate Village – The Gateway Project Salt Lake City, Utah
Cultural/Arts/Specialty Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Transportation Woodrow Wilson Bridge Control Tower Potomac River, Virginia
Cultural/Arts/Specialty Elphilharmonie (Elbe Philarmonic) Hamburg, Germany