Residential Products
Kitchen & Bath Components
Kitchen & Bath Components from Quanex bring quality, style, and comfort to beautify homes, office buildings, and more. We understand the importance of your project and offer comprehensive design and support services to ensure your vision is realized, maximizing value every step of the way.
With 11 production facilities and seven distribution locations in North America, we help kitchen and bath OEMs achieve their business and design goals with kitchen & bath components. We offer a wide selection of more than 30 varieties of wood species, several standard door and drawer styles, and custom capabilities, empowering you to make design choices that fit all your kitchen and bath needs.
Quanex, offering hardwood, engineered wood, and decorative laminate veneer cabinet doors, drawers, and cabinet components, is a trusted supplier to the industry’s leading cabinet OEMs. Our products are of the highest quality and reliability, ensuring your projects are in good hands.
To learn more about the kitchen and bath components available from Quanex, click on the product category below or download the Accessories Catalog.