Quanex is committed to meeting the needs of all employees in an open, inclusive work environment.
Our workforce is made up of a greater percentage of women than the industry benchmark, per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and is at least as racially and ethnically diverse as the local community in more than half of our US locations. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 25.2% of employees in Durable Goods Manufacturing are women. While Quanex is in a better position on gender diversity than most manufacturing companies, growing our female workforce remains a top priority.
Race/ethnicity data is reported below in two different ways—the first set of data covers all employees at the organization, while the second set of data includes only those who supervise at least one other employee. According to the BLS, 79.7% of employees in Durable Goods Manufacturing are white, 9.4% are Black/African American, and 7.4% are Asian. Hispanic or Latino employees can be of any race in the BLS data reporting and make up 15.4% of the Durable Goods workforce.
The data represented on this page is accurate for FY2023. Hover over the charts and graphs to see actual numerical data. Click here to download our full EEO Report.
Employee Demographics
We are driving change by giving DE&I programs a home and focus within Quanex. Our goals for our DE&I programs are to ensure that our workforce reflects the diverse populations of the communities where we operate and to give equal consideration to all interested in leadership roles.
Workforce Gender Data
Workforce Age Data
Demographics for US Managers & Above
Workforce Gender Data
Workforce Age Data
Workforce Racial Data
OUR Commitment to DE&I
Our Vision:
We commit to create an open, inclusive work environment in which all employees are empowered to be themselves and to grow as part of something bigger. We believe the diversity of our workforce makes us strong—together.